Living the iter of a process
of canonization
in the words of M. Silvianita Galimberti

by Biancarosa Magliano

     (19 settembre 2012)

Italian version


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In religious Institutes we live sometimes very strong and very engaging moments or periods. This happens even when the process of the beatification-canonization of one of its members is started. The Institute of the Sorelle di Maria Consolatrice (Sisters of Mary the Consoler) lives since 1998 this particular time. The current General Superior M. Silvianita Galimberti has lived and is involved with true passion for the various ministries that she has been called to do within the same Institute: Provincial Superior from 1985 to 1994, General Vicar from 1994 to 2006. Elected General Superior in 2006 was re-elected for the same service recently, August 28th of this year. We have asked a few questions to her.

In your Institute, founded in the late nineteenth century, you are living the iter of  beatification –canonization’s process of your Founder, fr.  Arsenio Trigolo.
Can you summarize the history and the finalities that fr. Giuseppe Migliavacca had set in initiating an Institute that, over the decades, was particularly efficient and effective in the field of education and pastoral care?

Our Founder, fr.Giuseppe  Migliavacca, who later became p. Arsenio Maria da Trigolo, Capuchin frair, began his journey with us in 1892, after dictating a course of Spiritual Exercises to the group of young nuns gathered in Turin, at Martinetto, by a former nun, Giuseppina Fumagalli  (Cassano d'Adda, 18/09/1848), expelled by a French Congregation and landed in Italy in religious habit, with Nino and Albertina, two orphans to maintain. She had thought that the best way to live was to engage the young people, to dress as nuns and send them to the collection with the excuse of orphans. Her strategy worked since 1885, with initial tacit approval of Church authority, but in 1890 there was the first separation of young people recruited that, under the protection and guidance of Don Francesco Bono, established the Institute of the Suore del SS. Natale (Sisters of SS. Christmas). Two years after the Fumagalli had reconstituted a new group of "her sisters." This time the Archbishop of Turin, Bishop David of Counts Riccardi, wanting to shed light on her work, ordered to Fumagalli and sisters a retreat. For this she called in Turin fr. Giuseppe Migliavacca, who had known as diocesan priest in Cassano d'Adda and was contacted as Jesuit in Venice. He had gone to Turin in 25 April 1892, he dictated the Exercises to the nuns and had given respect to the Archbishop, suggesting to assign the group to the guidance of a priest. The Archbishop, knowing that no one in the diocese would accept this appointment,  invited him to stay and take care of them, otherwise, the next day, he dissolved the group.

Fr. Giuseppe Migliavacca, a Jesuit for 18 years and resigned in March, against his will, by the Company, was used to read the events as the Will of God be upon him, he decided in his heart that this "new way" was what was supposed to take in obedience to the Church and he remained with the nuns among which three were his spiritual daughters in Venice.
In humility and truth he poses himself near to the sisters by listening to what the Spirit had already referred to as the "gift" specifically entrusted to them: not just wait for their own sanctification by divine grace, but with the same, to be employed by each study to the good, the salvation and perfection of the neighbour, waiting in obedience and love to the works of mercy, both spiritual and corporal especially the neediest.

Deeply imbued with the spirit of St. Ignatius, fr. Giuseppe Migliavacca transfused in the Constitutions and Rules of the nascent Institute, which between December '82 and January '83 was able to break away from Fumagalli, the Ignatian spirit as it was presented in the Rules of the  Company’s Summary. He educated them to accept any apostolic in the obedience and to engage in it with "operating love” giving the best of themselves, but taking as an aim to be, to live and work anywhere, anytime "to the Greater Glory of God", in humility, charity and simplicity.
At the Constitutions, the Founder added, accompanying the sisters in their growth, the Rules of each sector, outlining  the spiritual thickness and style of the life of Sister of Mary of Consolation. Expressions such as "women of upright heart and well done", "women master of themselves, not wrathful or impetuous, but resting on great sacrifice" that precede "by example," who "know correct, teach, and do not be silent ... with firmness and gentleness", a spiritual motherhood which requires "love, care, sacrifice, security, safety, prevention" entered deeply into the heart of the Sisters of Maria the Consoler, as an inheritance lived from him in the ten years in which he has guided us with infinite patience, with paternal and maternal heart together, knowing that only "with small continued steps  you have the great journey".
But the spiritual testament that today encourages us in the journey of faith is contained in his last letters (4 as Founder, 4 as Capuchin friar).

In the yellowed pages we read expressions dripping  wisdom: "You try to get courage, and pull straight; you win your character ounces to ounces, but still you win, then courage: humility, charity, prayer, here is a way to overcome you, and courage, never despondency”; "He knows what is most convenient to our spiritual progress. He guides someone through many lights, some with a few more: this let Him do it”; “ let us work for Him. Let us offer to Him often between day and pray that he  make about us what is his greater glory. Let us trust in Him with all peace and tranquility, pleasing that degree of perfection to which He guides us. He does our best"; " ... think that without Jesus we can’t anything and with Jesus we can all, all, for He is always ready to help invoking  Him was also the greatest sinner".

This precious heritage, together with the "Sum or purpose" that invites us to become “People crucified to the world ... New people ... stripped himself to be covered with the spirit of Jesus Christ ... "  have supported and support today even more, our "become transparent of the merciful love which God lavishes upon us because we overflow on the brothers".

What does this special moment mean for you?

Since 1982, the year in which we have had in our hands the renewed Constitutions, soaked with  his Teachings, fr. Arsenio, as now all call him, went penetrate into our hearts with a light and a growing force. Today we can draw more easily to his writings: sermons, statements, speeches, but also notes drawn up for himself in his Spiritual Exercises. Everything about him seems to us fresh, current, and is a constant reminder to holiness in the wake of his steps toward an ever more true assimilation to Christ.

The expectation that we are "forced" for over ten years from the closing of the diocesan Investigation puts us in humility to recognize that, for too long time, our Founder has been left in the shadows: a kind of historic limbo when he was not well outlined and clarified, for the lack of documentation on the various phases of his life. But at the same time, and much more strongly, this expectation heightens in us the desire to know more and more, to make us familiar with his earthly life and the example he has left us, to walk in the life of faith and in the ministry according to his Teachings.

What steps are involving individuals and communities?

The means of dissemination of our Founder’s knowledge is the monthly "Informativo sul Servo di Dio p. Arsenio da Trigolo (Informative about the Servant of God  Fr. Arsenio da Trigolo)", started in 1995 and still in print in about 9,000 copies. In recent years its circulation has been rapid in Italy and abroad. The Capuchin Fathers of the Province of Lombardy, in turn, have added in Internet a site dedicated to Father Arsenio, of which today we can confirm that he has become a "saint" by the powerful intercession especially for maternity risk resolved in beauty, family, work, illness, spiritual problems. The first "special grace" notified in our history, as well as the older ones certified by the nuns, was in 1928, and was witnessed in the diocesan Investigation by the same person who received it. The Information is the medium that supports the prayers of all, devout and religious communities: every night the sisters of all communities gather in prayer for those who made the request, and invite the devotees to join us.
We celebrated the centenary of the death of Fr. Arsenio, who providentially fell in conjunction with the Pauline Year, reflecting, through the Circular Letters on the "Spiritual Path with St. Paul and Father Arsenio: Catechesis on Love" and pilgrimage to the places of his life in the most salient anniversaries.

What were the most serious difficulties of the route?

The research documents to clarify many obscure points of his earthly life. In this we were encouraged by the valuable contribution of a Jesuit priest who, for some years followed the Congregation  with Spiritual Exercises and training courses. He, having easier access to the archives of the Society, has finally bridged a gap long 18 years, about  the life of our Founder.
The search was long and detailed, because, as a former causes, and lacking evidence visually, de visu, it was necessary to provide indirect evidence but certain, sifting by Minutes, Journals of the Houses, Catalogs ...

The Founder's life was defined by the late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, in his opening speech of the diocesan Investigation in Milan (1998), as "... an almost romantic life, a life that you imagine, where there are always new pages, new events, new dramatic, traumatic turns ...", where " there were humiliations, accusations of negligence, loss of respect from his superiors, the output from the Society of Jesus, the measure of Blessed Cardinal Ferrari, and then, in the end, the choice of a life of obscurity and maceration, of prayer and harsh penance" the Capuchins.
The holiness of Father Arsenio is defined “by his ability to be with God in secret ... the silence maintained throughout the life of what had happened to him"

How lay persons who, in your institution, in fidelity to the Church's path,  are very valued,  are they encouraged to effective and affective participation?

It is well established custom to celebrate the memory of father Arsenio December 10, with a solemn celebration in the church of the Mother House in Milan, Via Melchiorre Gioia, where his mortal remains are, as well as in all our apostolic reality. All, parents, pupils, teachers, parishioners, friends and guests, all are participating.

On other occasions pilgrimages to the tomb are organized, but it is common to see individuals praying and writing, on the book made available, a request, a thanks, a praise.

Today we can say that the laity our employees know the life of Father Arsenio too. In Côte d'Ivoire, at the Novitiate and the Sanctuary of Mary the Consoler, it consists of a group of people who have asked and decided to live our spirituality, giving itself the name "Levain d'Afrique" (Yeast of Africa).

Your presence abroad is particularly significant in countries in Africa and in Brazil. What does this presence for your Institution?

The mission ad gentes in our Institute has experienced many hardships: it was opened in 1936 in China, in the region  of Honan in Kaifeng, but ended with the red revolution, the same fate has had the mission in Libya, opened in 1939 and closed in 1970 under the coup d’état of that year. It is taken again  in 1977 with a first group of missionaries sent in Côte d'Ivoire, in Guiglo in the Diocese of Man. From the Ivory Coast it has also passed to the Burkina Faso and is now well established the Province of Africa with its novitiate. Since 1993, we have a community in Brazil, Foz do Iguaçu, which works closely with the Sons of the Inmaculated, of Father Monti, there was established the Civil Society "Nossa Senhora Aparecida" for a project of integral human formation in favor of children and adolescents in the favelas and a health center that provides various services.

In our institute, which in Italy is suffering from a lack of new vocations, he knows that the expansion of the charism in other lands is a gift of the Spirit and rejoices, enriched with new aspects of unexpected "operating love".

October 11th will be publicly and officially started the year of faith proclaimed by Benedict XVI with the motu proprio THE DOOR OF FAITH. "Go through that door – the pope  wrote - involves entering in a journey that lasts a lifetime."  Pease,  tell us a 'word' that serves not only to your institution, but to the whole religious life in Italy and beyond?

"Lord, I believe, but increase my faith!" is the prayer that comes spontaneously at the beginning of the Year of Faith. I believe, we believe because we have put in our being, heart, mind, emotions, the seal of the Father, which makes us "sons" in his Son, Jesus Christ. Faith is a dip in the immensity of the Trinity,  circulating whirling in Love, that makes of the Father and the Son a unity.

In this vortex of love there is room only for the joy and fullness of life. Free faith has been given to us, free  we were met by the Crucified and Risen Christ. We lived and redeemed by His precious blood, made new by his death and resurrection.

Now we are caretakers and lovers, responsible to let the faith sprouting in us and grows to its fullness so as to become in us a source that fills all proportion "basin" who we are and it overflows in loving service to others.

We have before us a year in which, with the patience of the farmer of the gospel, we can dig all around our hearts and our lives, to make room for grace, so it will be made more fruitful and more lush the tree from which the Lord Jesus can seize "fruits of faith."

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