in the words of Sr. Antonieta Bruscato

Rita Salerno (courtesy)

Italian version

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Sr. Antonieta BruscatoSr. Maria Antonieta Bruscato has been re-elected for a second mandate as Superior General of the Daughters of St. Paul, at the conclusion of the ninth General Chapter, which was celebrated on the past September at a few Km from Rome. She was born in South Brazil, obtained the licentiate in philosophy, theology and spirituality. She enjoys a rich experience of Pauline life acquired in the communities of Brazil, Italy and Columbia. She carried on responsibilities at the level of apostolic direction, formation and government. She was also superior provincial in the circumscription of Brazil and during her service she animated the spiritual life, promoting various apostolic initiatives. She has been General Councillor for the apostolate, co-ordinator of the “Charism Year” and directress of the SAL (inter-Americans Secretariat of apostolate…). We have approached her with some questions on debated themes during the ninth General Chapter centred on “Chosen and loved in Christ Jesus, we communicate the Word to everyone”. This theme interests the whole consecrated life, since all of us are involved in a constantly changing world. 

Overcoming new cultural thresholds, not losing the missionary ideal, facing the present challenges: which of these debated themes during the work of your ninth General Chapter do you feel to be more urgent in Italy, particularly in the Old Continent?  

“The Pauline Sisters are present in 11 European Countries, which are very different from the historical and cultural viewpoint, but are united by the same problems that touch social life and the family: Consumerism, diffused secularisation, loss of moral sense; a kind of new-paganism, which subtly penetrates everywhere. The Pauline Sisters in Europe are almost 1000, committed in books editorial activities and audio-visual aids, with 70 centres of diffusion. In the Catholic traditional Countries (like Italy, Spain, Portugal and France) their primary commitment is to strengthen the faith, to illumine the Christians before permissive attitudes and hedonism, before the invading proposals of values. In countries where they live with people of different religion confessions (like Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain), the Pauline work is in dialogue and ecumenical collaboration, to the end of promoting the whole patrimony of the common Christian root. While, in the countries of the ex-Slovene block (like Poland, Czechoslovakia Republic, Romania and Russia) they try to –re-build up the consciences, to bring back to light the Christian faith and ethics, which have been obscured by years of atheism. Beyond the enjoyed material well-being, the Old Continent must face and let itself be shaken by the freeing message of the Gospel. It must learn also a peaceful conviviality with the mass immigrated people of different cultures and religions.”

Your Religious Congregation is dedicated to evangelisation in the culture of media. Which modality of mass-media do you suggest in order to approach the poor and the extra-communitarian families, living also in Italy and struggling amidst thousands of difficulties?

Like the whole Church, the Pauline sisters, too, feel the problem of the immigrated families, of the roms, of the clandestine people seeking refuge and work. Here in Italy, with opportune publications, we are committed to educate boys/girls, youths and adults on the task of welcoming and tolerating the diversity. At the same time, we collaborate with the pastoral structures of the Church, according to the requests of those who operate on the spot in direct contact with the extra-communitarians, by offering pamphlets and messages or other material, so that the Word of God may enlighten and give hope to those who struggle and face the difficult context of immigration with dignity and trust.  

How to animate the communication keeping into account also the Laity? How to start an efficacious synergy?  

“The technological newness, at the origin of deep social transformations, is determining a new vision of man and culture. Signed by communication, the new culture questions the Pauline vocation and mission strongly. The Pauline attitude is that of advancing towards new frontiers. This means keeping their sight constantly ahead, paying attention to the reminder of the world’s spiritual needs and trusting the enormous possibilities of today’s communication to proclaim the Gospel.  

To go beyond the frontiers of the Institute becomes possible only with enthusiasm of faith, passion for the Gospel and the integration of many collaborators in our mission, after the example of the Apostle Paul.

The sharing of our charism with the laity requires that our communities may progress in three directions:

a) Passing from “working community” to “community that works together with…”. The community that works together with…. needs to reflect together on the aspects of collaboration with the laity, dialoguing on the facts and problems of the said collaboration, in harmony and goodwill, ready to confront and collaborate with one another.   

b) Passing from “community that manages works” to “involving community”, aiming at transmitting to the collaborators a spiritual-evangelical inspiration, as motivation of the activity itself. To the fatigue of “doing”, the community will have to add the fatigue of thinking about how to involve others in the apostolic activity. This is a new form of “Pauline activity” , which here acquires a full sense.

c) Passing from “community that does many things” to “community that guarantees the charismatic soul” to the entire management of works and, therefore, a high “evangelical quality” to the initiatives.  

As Pauline sisters, we intend to dedicate time and formation to the laity: the evangelisation, which we realise in the Church, will become rich in collaborators, exchange of energies and means.

During the international Assembly, in your report you brought to light the strong call of today’s Pauline sisters to vacate “numerous cultural thresholds”, each one requiring spiritual energy and a new imagination. How?  

“For us Pauline Sisters the cultural threshold to be crossed is surely communication, because we are called not only to use the media in our spreading the Gospel, but also to integrate the saving message with the new culture, which is created amplified by the powerful instruments of communication. According to the document Il rapido sviluppo by John Paul II, the use of contemporary communication technologies is an integral part of the Church’s mission in the third millennium. In fact, the world of communication is the first Areopagus of modern time, capable of unifying humanity and making a global village out of it. The Daughters of St. Paul are convinced that to cross this cultural threshold they need to actualise the Pauline Charism; they need a “supplement of soul” and a “great spiritual energy”; they need academic preparation and plenty of imagination”.   

Thanks to the expressed will of the Holy Father, a year dedicated to St. Paul will start on the coming June 28. Which Projects do the Pauline Sisters plan to this regard?

“The Pauline Family has joyfully and enthusiastically welcomed the decision of the Holy Father to dedicate a year to the apostle Paul. I can say that all the Pauline sisters are enthusiastic and desirous  to go deeper into the life, the spirit and dynamism of the Apostle to the end of knowing his thought, assuming his teachings and, particularly, to let themselves be caught fully by the love for Christ. We wish to re-appropriate ourselves of its spiritual and apostolic heritage so that, mainly the youths, may know this giant of faith and may have the desire of following in his footsteps. I think that the theatre, recitals, music and singing are to be favoured to the end of realising this objective. Projects are being elaborated in different countries, together with other institutions and the local churches.

At international level there are many ideas on their way of becoming projects. There are already wonderful proposals to be made known to the public, for instance the film Paul in dvd From Tarsus to the world, published by the Pauline audio-visual Editorial, Rome. The production in digital technology and 7 parts, already translated into 15 languages and furnished with a guiding card, is a journey towards the discovery of the life and thought of the Apostle, through a journey along the places signed by his indefatigable missionary action. It is a precious film that leads us to know the person, to discover the spiritual richness and to be involved by his passion in the proclamation of the Gospel.

“The culture of communication is not born only with reference to communication”, Silvio Sassi said in his report, specifying that among the factors that modify the socio-cultural context there are the secularisation, the practical atheism, the variety of religions, the sects and the violent fanaticism. To you, how much do they affect society and how to consider them?   

“The knowledge of society, particularly the situation of the religious practice, has been, in Don Alberione, an important component for the elaboration of the Pauline charism. He tried to arouse in us a deep historical sensitivity, which can be summed up in a single sentence: “How and towards what does this humanity walk…? We cannot ignore that secularisation, practical atheism, the variety of religions, sects, consumerism, relativism, etc. are modifying values, traditions, behaviours, leading towards practical agnosticism and to religious indifferentism, Yet, we must not forget that in the heart of man, created to the image of God, there persists the desire of happiness, of a serene life, of immortality. We need the ability of touching these desires, often hidden under other expectations and satisfactions. We need to learn how to speak with today’s men and women using their own language, presenting, with humility and trust, the human and evangelical values that give us life and build up a future.

Which are the most interesting hints that emerged out of the works of your ninth general Chapter?

“We can synthesise the most interesting hints in some lines, which we wish to sign the journey of the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul during the coming six years.

- The Christological and Biblical line, particularly the study and assimilation of the letters of St. Paul, to the end of living the communicating style of the Apostle and acquiring a “Pauline thought”, which will turn us into passionate apostles..

- The apostolic line, starting anew from the charismatic experience that inspired Don Alberione, to the end of spreading the Pauline charism beyond the frontiers of the Institute, so that more women/men may share with us the joy of making the enlightening force of the Gospel shine in every situation of our human existence.

- The relational-communicative line to become true “teachers of communication”. We are aware that individual holiness is not enough: we need the testimony of holy communities, sanctified by living together, walking together and each one offering to the other what the Spirit suggests.  

- The formative and vocational line: we need to motivate and re-motivate our life; to guarantee an on going and systematic apostolic-professional formation, to elaborate and/or to realise the projects of vocational pastoral activity”.  

These emerging lines are deeply integrated among them and united by the unique desire of growing as apostles with a unique reference, Christ, the inclusive protagonist of our life and mission”.


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