n. 1
gennaio 2011


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What Politics for the young people?


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A few years ago it was written a text on the relationship that our society has basted for decades with the youth class , the text has  a particularly provocative title: Non è un paese per giovani: una generazione senza voce (Marsilio, Venezia 2009). Just on the first pages of this text by Alessandro Rosina and Elisabetta Ambrosi is cited an expression of the unforgettable Edmondo Berselli which explains the provocation inherent in the title: "Long since it is said that with the debt we were mortgaging the future of our children. Evidently it was not enough, we are like that. We like to rob the new generation".

Come on,  Young People!

And indeed, how can we forget that, according to recent surveys Istat, it is the young people who are paying the highest price, in terms of job’s loss, the recent appalling economic and financial crisis?

And what about the often humiliating types of contracts which are subject to other 4 million young workers? And we can forget about the remaining two million of young people who are struggling with the university?

What awaits to them? An uncertain fate of insecurity, unemployment and expatriation. This, then, the situation of our young people: a difficult situation with regard to the world of work and hence the inclusion in the dynamics of society. Difficult to regard the possibility of achieving economic independence from their families of origin and finally the ability to create new families. This means that our country is not a youth, as it helps them to honor the truth of their name. What does, in fact, being "young"? According to some, the word "young" could derive from the Latin iuvare (in what would be a relative of the more popular term "profit"), then Young would be "one who helps."

The thing is convincing precisely because it is at that age - between 18 and 29 years - a human being is naturally equipped with the best of biological force, the better the reproductive force, the best of intellectual strength, and a extraordinary desire to change. And what we see today? We must sadly acknowledge the presence of young people who, despite themselves, if they can not work , can not have family nor children   with the little money they throw up, do not have access to positions of command, they are forced to only help! To them or to others. Yet, in the opinion of many studious, is not particularly difficult to try to give a jolt to our socio-economic system, to restore its young people the opportunity to be of benefit to our country, that in the meantime, just because it takes inactive the better physical strength, intellectual and reproductive - that young people of course - every day becomes older, slower, less internationally competitive and increasingly devoid of cots. I think he well understood the knot of the problem and the prospects for solutions Massimo Livi Bacci, in the volume, particularly effective since entitled:  Avanti giovani alla riscossa. Come uscire dalla crisi giovanile in Italia (Il Mulino, Bologna 2008).

Three questions for action

In the author’s view there are three areas of action that our politics should address to return young people their stolen prerogatives. At first, there is the question of training (in Italy too long and let's say rather confusing). On the second, the issue of hard conquest of  autonomy of the family of origin: in Italy the cost of having a family are literally unbearable for those in the first work’s experience or still seeking a first job (we think to prerequisites for access and take out a mortgage). Then there is finally the scope of work / possible parenthood:  for women in particular the current law does not find ways to reconcile the different needs. More operationally, it should then make short (and clearly) the course of studies, especially in the universities. It would be necessary to set up solidarity funds or student loans for those who started to work or want to buy a house, and even revise  work’s laws  either  the question of flexibility, which has often given rise to real monsters of contract  or that concerns the encouragement of young women who wish to give birth to children. But it seems that the current Italian ruling class do not want to hear your talk about these things.

How can we forget how difficult in our country discussing even the issue of familiar income and with too much ease as it was dropped  the proposal of a solidarity fund for young couples?

And so the years go by, complaints and suggestions increase, but the situation does not

change: if anything, worse. But what comes from the distraction of the political class - and more generally the whole of society - for young people, so often evoked, and so less frequently forgotten when it comes to distributing the economic resources? How to give and give an account of the bitter observation, made by Rosina and Ambrosi, for which, public spending, youth age’ social status are intended only "crumbs"?

Changing lifestyles and laws

 Massimo Livi Bacci, offeris an illuminating answer to these questions. He says: "All this [ie the proposals made by it on the first three mentioned issues: training, autonomy by the family home, and work / experience of parenting] is not enough if, together with the material conditions and ways of functioning of society, will not change the ambitions, expectations and ideals. The change of the first is not sufficient to determine the transformation of the latter. "

Therefore the youth issue is not (only) political. More in depth it is a matter of lifestyle. If in fact in our country the youth population, in the past sixty years, has decreased significantly, being  in 1950 a fourth part of the total population to the current seventh part of it, have increased the so-called "young soul" an entire generation of adults - roughly those born between 1946 and 1964 - what madness seized by the myth of youth does not want to do and stop being young.

In short, there is in our country that an excess of youth sentenced to a fate of being marginalized real young people, So in the register of births.

 A generation that finally – in the words of Marco Belpoliti - ends up loving youth most the young people themselves. It is this generation of "young soul" does not leave the control positions, don’t make laws for young families, failure to success to the reform for the University or any term of employment; the originator of the terrible economic-financial crisis of the  last period; it doesn’t fight with conviction against tax evasion; it is not carrying out a modernization of the judicial system of the country; it takes away many foreign investors.

But keep it all for himself, only interested in improving the welfare of those already being well. In this way these adults do not provide any possibility for the future and young people and no future opportunities for young people, simply they proceed to a systematic seizure of the future for their children.

From this point of view, it requires truly a radical reversal of the trend: we can not continue to live beyond our means, by placing a mortgage on the future of young people. We adults is required, therefore, a surge of love, true love for young people, reminding us that the world is not given to us as an inheritance from our predecessors, but more truth, we is a loan from those who come after us.

Armando Matteo
Assistente Nazionale della FUCI
Via F. Marchetti Selvaggiani, 22
00165 Roma


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